High-scale data transfers performance in Hubway Connect ? Watch Our MVP Joao Melo explain it in the video: The common...
From R2.3 it is now possible to customize the limit applied to the number of records returned in the output...
Hubway currently supports SQL Server, and we plan to expand it to more databases. Stay tuned.
Log in to Service Center, go to Administration and add a new Database Connection. Enter the type of the database...
Hubway Connect enables you to connect to an external database and expose it as a Hubway service. You can also...
With Multi-Tenancy enabled, Hubway service will expose an isolated data set to each customer based on per tenant. Go to...
You can access processes and activities data buried within the OutSystems BPT Entities meta-model. This setting needs to be enabled...
Certain data extraction tools require a DateTime attribute instead Date or Time data type. If your Entity has a Date...