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  5. Cast Date and Time Attribute as DateTime

Cast Date and Time Attribute as DateTime

Certain data extraction tools require a DateTime attribute instead Date or Time data type. If your Entity has a Date or Time attribute, you can convert it to DateTime by following the steps below.

Go to the Builder. In the Project  Advanced tab  Set ‘Cast Date and Time attributes as DateTime’ = ON

Advanced Settings
Advanced Settings

In the attribute tab, you will notice that the Date and Time attributes have been converted to DateTime type.

List of Attributes
List of Attributes

When you launch the Test link and navigate to the Metadata, you will see that Date and Time attributes have been converted to DateTimeOffset.

Service Metadata
Service Metadata

When you launch the Test link and navigate to the Entity, you will see that the time element has been appended to the Date.

Data is converted to DateTime format
Data is converted to DateTime format.
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