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  5. Filters with OData and URL conventions

Filters with OData and URL conventions

If you need to add filtering logic to your API, here’s a quick guide with the most common operators:


/Order?$filter=CreatedOn gt 2006-12-30T23:59:59.99Z


The Equals operator (or โ€˜eqโ€™) evaluates to true if the left operand is equal to the right operand, otherwise if evaluates to false.

Ex.: /Order?$filter=OrderStatusId eq 5

The URL above will return all the Orders with OrderStatusId = 5 (Approved)


Other operators include:

  • Not Equals (or โ€˜neโ€™)
  • Greater Than (or โ€˜gtโ€™)
  • Greater Than or Equal (or โ€˜geโ€™)
  • Less Than (or โ€˜ltโ€™)
  • Less Than (or โ€˜leโ€™)
  • Logical And (or โ€˜andโ€™)
  • Logical Or (or โ€˜orโ€™)
  • Logical Negation Operator (or โ€˜notโ€™)

The following examples illustrate the use and semantics of each of the logical operators:


Product?$filter=Name eq ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name equal to ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name ne ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name not equal to ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name gt ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name greater than ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name ge ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name greater than or equal to ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name lt ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name less than ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name le ‘Milk’ (Requests all products with a Name less than or equal to ‘Milk’)

Product?$filter=Name eq ‘Milk’ and Price lt ‘2.55M’ (Requests all products with the Name ‘Milk’ that also have a Price less than 2.55)

Product?$filter=Name eq ‘Milk’ or Price lt ‘2.55M’ (Requests all products that either have the Name ‘Milk’ or have a Price less than 2.55)

Product?$filter=not endswith(Name, ‘ilk’) (Requests all products that do not have a Name that ends with ‘ilk’)


For more reference and examples, refer to the official OData documentation page on URL conventions:


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