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  5. Can you give examples of invoking my Test or Production service links with the supported OData methods?

Can you give examples of invoking my Test or Production service links with the supported OData methods?

The below table illustrates the list of functions, taking the Entities from the Order Management app as an example. Note: Replace {Service link} with your actual Test or Production service links.

Function Syntax
Entity {Service link}/OrderItem(1)
Metadata {Service link}/$metadata
Filter and OrderBy {Service link}/Order?$filter=TotalAmount gt 100&$orderby=OrderStatusId desc
Search {Service link}/Product?$search=Phone
Drilldown from Parent to Child {Service link}/Order(1)/OrderItems
Drilldown from Child to Parent {Service link}/OrderItem(1)/Order

Expand: {Service link}/Order(1)?$expand=OrderStatus

Filter and Expand: {Service link}/OrderItem?$filter=Id eq 90 & $expand=Order

Filter and Expand (with select): {Service link}/OrderItem?$filter=Id eq 90 & $expand=Order($select=Id, Code, TotalAmount)

Nested Expand and Filter:

{Service link}/OrderItem?$expand=Order($filter=Code eq ‘ORD0001’)

{Service link}/OrderItem?$expand=Order($expand=Account($filter=Id eq 10))

Nested expand up to level 3 with filter: {Service link}/OrderItem?$filter=OrderId ne 2 & $expand=Order($expand=Account($expand=Country($filter=Id ne 1)))

Nested expand up to level 3 with select and filter: {Service link}/OrderItem?$filter=OrderId ne 2 & $expand=Order($expand=Account($expand=Country($filter=Id ne 1; $select=Id, Name)))

Nested expand up to level 3 with select and filter on all levels: {Service link}/OrderItem?$expand=Order($expand=Account($expand=Country($select=Name, Code, Id; $filter=Id ne 1 )), OrderStatus($filter=Id eq 2 ; $select=Label, Id)) & $filter=OrderId ne 15

Nested expand along with filter and select on the main entity: {Service link}/OrderItem?$expand=Order($expand=Account($expand=Country($select=Name, Code, Id; $filter=Id ne 1 )), OrderStatus($filter=Id eq 2 ; $select=Label, Id)) & $filter=OrderId ne 15 & $select=OrderId

Count {Service link}/Order?$count=true
Top and Skip Page 1: {Service link}/{Entity Name}?$top=1000&$skip=0 Page 2: {Service link}/{Entity Name}?$top=1000&$skip=1000
Select {Service link}/Order?$select=Id, TotalAmount
substring {Service link}/Product?$filter=substring(Name,8,4) eq ‘slim’
startswith {Service link}/Product?$filter=startswith(Name,’ssd’)
length {Service link}/Product?$filter=length(Name) gt 19
indexof {Service link}/Product?$filter=indexof(Name,’ssd’) eq 0
Contains {Service link}/Product?$filter=contains(Name,’black’)
EndsWith {Service link}/Product?$filter=endswith(Name,’black’)
Concat {Service link}/Product?$filter=concat(concat(Code,’, ‘),Name) eq ‘P0001, notarum black’
Date Filter

Format: yyyy-mm-dd  {Service link}/Entity?$filter=Date gt 2022-04-01

Format: 2022-04-01T01:00:00Z {Service link}/Entity?$filter=DateTime le 2022-04-01T02:00:00Z {Service link}/Entity?$filter=CreatedOn gt 2021-11-27T08:21:11Z

Format:  02:00:00.0000001 {Service link}/Entity?$filter=Time gt 02:00:00.0000001

Other Formats: {Service link}/Entity?$filter=UpdatedOn%20eq%202021-11-27T08:21:10Z

With Operator and Date combination: {Service link}/Entity?$filter=CreatedOn gt 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn le 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z {Service link}/Entity?$filter=CreatedOn ge 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn le 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z

String and DateTime filter combination: {Service link}/Entity?$filter=Code eq ‘C0000421’ and CreatedOn le 2022-01-22T08:21:10Z

String, Datetime and AND/OR filters: {Service link}/Entity?$filter=Code eq ‘C00004211’ or (CreatedOn ge 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn le 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z) {Service link}/Entity?$filter=Code eq ‘C0000421’ and (CreatedOn ge 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn le 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z)

Integer, DateTime operators and AND/OR: {Service link}/Entity?$filter=CreatedBy eq 17 and (CreatedOn ge 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn le 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z) {Service link}/Entity?$filter=CreatedBy eq 17 or (CreatedOn eq 2021-11-28T08:21:10Z and CreatedOn lt 2021-12-09T08:21:10Z)

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